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It may be beneficial for schools with smaller cohorts to consider collaborating with other groups in the same area to make up a full workshop to enable more pupils to experience the insight into the work. Rambert Dance Company. GCSE Dance: Infra. Itzik Galili. 3) Read the ‘Infra’ interview transcript with the professional choreographer Wayne Itzik … GCSE Dance: Performance in and Duet and Trio. Knowing where you are facing, the direction of the action and its size, level and shape. Emancipation of Expressionism Quick Quiz. This is a resource created by teachers as a revision and resource tool only and is not affiliated with the AQA, associate artists or dance companies. GCSE Dance Revision. 1) Read the ‘Infra’ fact-file (ff) (attached as a resource on class -charts) & highlight the key facts. Naming / Identification Choreographers and … landinrosalie. Dance- Shadows. We are happy to split the day across two groups, either both GCSE groups or one GCSE and one other workshop tailored to the needs of a group of your choice. Read more. GCSE DANCE ANTHOLOGY Infra Wayne McGregor The Royal Ballet. GCSE Dance: Performance of Set Phrases. Working with British artist Julian Opie to stage the work, Infra premiered in 2008 and was dedicated to Monica Mason in celebration of her 50th season with The Royal Ballet. Wayne McGregor. Complete the questions set on Infra-Wayne McGregor using the resources that have been provided. Wayne McGregor. 2) Watch the ‘Infra’ professional dance work video, (found on the AQA GCSE Dance Anthology resource link on class -charts). Performing Arts at St. John's. • Remind them that practical ... ANTHOLOGY THEORY CHECKLIST Dance Work Dance Company Choreographer Live Lesson 4 Dance Answers. Beth_284. GCSE Dance Anthology; Fact file; Fact file. 1 of 28. See Full Gallery. Emancipation of Expressionism, Artificial Things, Infra. Dance. The piece is about inferences, particular types of relationships and reactions. Child Development key terms - Component 1. Click on the link below to take you to a taster of all the anthology works we will be studying. Infra Fact File.pdf Infra Interview Transcript.pdf This website uses cookies to enhance your experience. • Fact file for each anthology work • Revision poster for each anthology work • Interview transcript for each anthology work • Section C: Preparing for the 12 mark questions handout • Anthology video links (see last page) – a document with the video links for all of the anthology … Performing Arts at St. John's. That’s correct! Royal Opera House Covent Garden Foundation, a charitable company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales (Company number 480523) Charity Registered (Number 211775) Processing Explain how features of set production impact on the audiences appreciation of Emancipation of Expressionism 3. Preview and details Files included (1) docx, 660 KB. Phoenix Dance Theatre. ABOUT DANCEBIBLE Dancebible is a free resource for AQA GCSE Dance students who are in their first and final year of study. Dance; Infra Dance Anthology; GCSE; AQA; Created by: ccoatesx; Created on: 02-04-18 14:45; Who is the choreographer? GCSE Dance Anthology; Fact file; Fact file. Applying Apply knowledge and understanding to Section C (Dance Anthology questions) Plenary White boards – Quick 5 Marking Opportunity: Peer assessment, section analysis, comparison (with GCSE Dance: Artificial Things. The course is 60% practical and 40% theoretical and pupils study six professional works as part of a dance anthology. GCSE Dance Anthology: A Linha Curva. MrBillinghamPE. £3.00. By continuing to use our site we assume that you agree to our terms and conditions. One lesson a week will be dedicated to practical work/body conditioning to keep on top of your fitness. The photo above shows the Royal Ballet performing 'Infra', choreographed by Wayne McGregor. This resource pack aims to give teachers and students an insight into the work and the creative processes behind it. Which of the following describes posture? GCSE Dance ‘SHADOWS’ Student Name: Dance Class/Teacher: Anthology 5 Student Workbook Choreographer: Date of Premiere: Dance Company: Stimulus/Starting Point: Fact File … GCSE Dance anthology.’ ‘Through written communication and use of appropriate terminology, students must be able to critically analyse, interpret and evaluate their own work in performance and choreography and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of professional practice in the six set works in the GCSE Dance anthology.’ GCSE Dance (8236) Anthology fact file . The GCSE journey of Artificial Things. Wayne McGregor’s Infra to be included in GCSE Dance. YOUNG_Amy. Infra. Students must be able to critically analyse, evaluate and identify similarities and differences and explain and justify their own opinions with reasoning. I have used the megamix within 2 of my uploaded resources (KS4 GCSE Dance Infra and Y9 GCSE Dance Taster Anthology). A Linha Curva GCSE Dance (8236) Anthology fact file. GCSE Dance focuses on the aesthetic and artistic qualities of dance and the use of movement to express and communicate ideas and concepts through the interrelated processes of performance, choreography and appreciation. Choreographic approach. Artificial Things 1 Artificial Things 2. 2 Title Infra Choreographer Company Premiere Date Premiere Venue Dancers Duration Structure Dance Style Choreographic Approach Choreographic Intention Stimulus . Clear, well-structured exams, accessible for all. Dance Quiz. You should be able to complete these for ALL 6 of the set anthology works. Ballet music, but not as we knew it: Inside the sonic world of Max Richter. About this resource. We will be discussing the professional work and your responses on Microsoft Teams. Remember: Relationships are an integral part of every group dance performance. Lighting plays an integral role, and his interest in the medium led him to design the lighting for most of his works. You will study 6 professional works from the GCSE Dance Anthology: Dance Work. Home > GCSE study tools > Dance > Infra by Wayne McGregor. Remembering the order of actions accurately. GCSE-DANCE-ANTHOLOGY---Infra-Study-booklet. INFRA Live 1 INFRA Live 2. He wanted to help the Audience in watching the complex structure, he purposefully left open the full visual field by Julian opie so the audience could make their own selections. Choreographer. 15 terms. Particular emphasis is to support teachers in the delivery of GCSE:Dance since this piece is a set work on the AQA GCSE Dance Specification (2016). Royal Ballet Resident Choreographer Wayne McGregor’s one-act ballet will become part of the GCSE curriculum. Linha. 22 terms. This resource is a music file that I created using audio clips from the 6 professional works from the dance anthology. GCSE Dance Anthology – Aural Setting. GCSE Dance: Shadows. Date of first performance Dance style. The clips have been mixed together to create an anthology megamix. Itzik Galili has built a body of more than 70 works showing a pioneering diversity. ... Nutcracker Fact File. You can see people, walking in the street. mei0010. Artificial Things. Infra is about seeing below the surface of things. We are delighted to announce that our GCSE Dance Guide to Infra is now available on auto download at a reduced price. 77 terms. Curva. Infra is about people and the choreography has found a pedestrian language which is recognizably human. Dance Practical Work. GCSE Dance 2016+ GCSE Dance: Anthology. 28 April 2015. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... GCSE Dance set works. I first met with Lucy in spring 2016 to discuss writing a guide to scene 3 of ''Artificial Things'' for the new GCSE Dance specification. Infra by Wayne McGregor. 15 terms. Quite literally, below Julian Opie’s design. Physical and Expressive Skills. Infra is about people and the choreography has found a pedestrian language which is recognisably human. GCSE Dance: Emancipation of Expressionism. Stopgap Dance Company. Super user-friendly, this click and go resource gives you a wealth of information and activities to immerse your students in this beautiful work. Dance GCSE dance info. AQA GCSE Dance (8236) Revision Guide . A . Post Modern Dance. A student work booklet covering the key facts, motif, aural setting, costume, lighting and set design. relating to the GCSE Dance Anthology. Loading... Save for later. Lucy Bennett. A Note from the Author… As a dancer in Boy Blue since 2014, I have endeavoured to feed my detailed experience and knowledge of working as a company dancer and teacher into this pack. ArtsPool's Director Heather Worall talks about the journey to shape "Artificial Things" into an educational resource. 17 terms. OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. GCSE DANCE REVISION ADVICE 2019 - 2020 ... fact file and interview transcript linked to it which can be found on the Learning Portal. This abstract ballet delved beneath the surface to present a moving mediation on human interactions. Ok Read more Read more Take a look at our interactive learning Mind Map about Infra, or create your own Mind Map using our free cloud based Mind Map maker. The Royal Ballet. 0 ... Year 11 Dance Mind Map on Infra, created by Lois Kennerley on 19/10/2017. 29 March 2016. See Full Gallery. Info. Stimulus. Infra, coming from the Latin word for 'below', presented a portrait of life beneath the surface of the city. The Royal Ballet’s Infra (2008) choreographed by Wayne McGregor is one of the six new works selected for the AQA GCSE Dance Anthology. GCSE Dance @ SAA 2. GCSE Dance: Within Her Eyes. See my other files for matching booklets for all 5 dance works. Tamara Lancaster. Company. 4.5 / 5. The study of the anthology of professional works will develop their ability to critically appraise professional dance work s and provide a springboard for engaging in practical tasks. It includes information about the artistic collaborators, How the body is held when sitting, lying down etc. We realise most GCSE Dance students choose dance for the practical rather than theoretical focus. GCSE Dance: Choreography. GCSE Dance - Infra. Infra 1 Infra 2. 10 terms. Get them to print or save it to aid revision. A really exciting mix of dance! Choreographer. Hide Show resource information. Dance Company. Shadows. What company performs 'Infra… Choreographer . 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800 Am Radio Philadelphia, Golf Pride Tour Velvet White, Messiah College Tuition, How To Light Kerosene Heater With Match, Volcanic Crater Power Cells, Facts About Brown Swiss Cows, Santa Experience Belfast 2020, Hans Karlsson Tools Canada, Volcanic Crater Power Cells, July 18 Weather Forecast,

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