All these three have been torn apart by strife and war, and the contending factions are still killing each other inflicting more damage on their countries instead of repairing the harm done. Sen. Enrile Solidly Supports Parliamentarism, Federalism in Africa: The Case of Ethiopia – Challenges & Prospects, KITT vs KARR: Systems & Algorithms Matter. It’s about time we finally learned best practices from them which they have been more than willing to share. All Rights Reserved. 10. President Duterte campaigned on the promise of following in President Ramos’ and President Macapagal-Arroyo’s footsteps in setting up the three main comprehensive reforms we need, but his unfortunate choice in Consultative Commission members led to so many of them out-voting the experts in the team, so that a substandard draft was produced. From Third World to First: The Singapore Story: 1965-2000 (2000). Lee Kuan Yew’s speech @ NTUC’s 50th anniversary dinner. He was Singapore’s first prime minister and the architect of the small Southeast Asian city-state’s spectacular ascent from a British tropical outpost with no natural resources to a global trade and financial center, and one of the world’s wealthiest countries on a per capita basis. The Philippines is immensely better off compared to Afghanistan or Lebanon or Sri Lanka. 24. The CoRRECT™ Movement Website © 2020. But if the people understand what economic liberalisation means to them in jobs and wages there will be counterpressure on Congressmen, cabinet ministers and officials. TRANSCRIPT OF THE PRIME MINISTER, MR LEE KUAN YEW'S SPEECH AT THE POLITICAL STUDY CENTRE ON 16TH AUGUST, 1964, IN CONNECTION WITH THE SEMINAR ON "THE CONCEPT OF DEMOCRACY" ORGANISED BY THE JOINT COMMITTEE FOR RADIO COURSES. In 1990 Philippines was struck by a powerful earthquake. The exuberance of democracy leads to undisciplined and disorderly conditions which are inimical to development. Even China and Vietnam now offer very liberal incentives and full foreign ownership. Other crimes especially corruption must be suppressed and punished. The Aquino Presidency achieved the restoration of a democratic constitution. President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo tried to pick up where President Ramos left off by attempting once more a much more comprehensive set of constitutional reforms that included (1) Opening the economy to foreign investors by removing the anti-FDI constitutional restrictions, (2) shifting to a Evolving and gradualist form of Federalism, and (3) shifting to the Parliamentary System and again, she too was demonized by Philippine Mass Media with all kinds of false accusations and falsehoods thrown at her and the reform initiative. Unless these kidnappings stop, most investors will stay away. Candidates made eloquent and stirring speeches. President Ramos tried and Philippine Mass Media demonized his attempts through the use of fake-news and spreading of falsehoods. Third : Build up your infrastructure, like power stations, roads and communications, either in partnership with or completely by the private sector. In 1973 the then President Ferdinand Marcos, using his martial law powers, ordered all telephone subscribers to invest in preferred shares of PLDT before they were issued a phone line. The London Economist said, “Democracy’s future is waiting to be confirmed.” There is absolutely no assurance that the American-style Constitution will produce wealth for the Philippines as it has for America. Thailand and Malaysia started to deregulate and liberalise. Why Do So Many Filipinos Misunderstand System Change? Many checks and balances have been written into the constitution to guard against the abuse of power that had happened with Marcos. Here the omens are less good. Products were poor and growth was slow because there were monopolies and no competition. Text Size. It was politics enjoyed for its own sake. This problem must be put right urgently. While the Aquino administration had backed down under pressure from lobby groups, and revised its original and more drastic Executive Order 413, the new tariff liberalisation programme will bring down the average effective protection rate for Philippine industries from 25% to 21% over a four-year period ending in July 1995. This has generated a sense of optimism over economic recovery. An efficient and strong anti-corruption unit under the President with powers to investigate any person however high up, and to carry it to a successful prosecution, will work wonders. He is known for his political pragmatism in his governance of Singapore but has been criticised for his authoritarian and sterile policies.. Lee was elected prime minister of Singapore for 31 years, making him the longest … And Filipinos cannot blame others for it. Lee Kuan Yew. I believe that what a country needs to develop is discipline more than democracy” were taken. ‘People are afraid to call the police because the officer may be the mastermind,’ says Representative Hernando Perez. The Philippines has 6 postgraduate schools for MBAs and the prestigious Asian Institute of Management. Should the Philippines Turn Parliamentary? In 1991 Mount Pinatubo erupted. 2. Second : Concentrate on economics not politics or more accurately, politicking . However Filipinos are a people not without energy and talent. Politicians revelled in democracy, and its freedoms, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and for those in office, the freedom to wheel and deal. NRI (Nomura Research Institute) in the Asia Pacific Economic Outlook third quarter 1992, reports on the Philippines page 28, “, Text of the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew’s speech taken from the. I concluded that you have invited me because you wanted this conference of leading Filipino businessmen and public figures to hear my frank opinion. If you maximise the six years of the Ramos Administration by freeing your economy, attracting investments, and if you work hard to create conditions that make these investments profitable, then you will get yourself back into the mainstream of growth and development and be in the same league of dynamic economies as your ASEAN neighbours. Occasion: CONFERENCE/EXHIBITION/MEETING. There will be no foreign military presence to conscribe the growth of the Filipino nation. In Singapore there are over 1,500 Filipinos on Employment Passes, professionals, engineers, accountants, architects, managers, more than those from other ASEAN countries except Malaysia which is Singapore’s nearest neighbour. A US-style constitution failed long before Marcos declared martial law. They protected their markets to establish import substituting industries. Contrary to what American political commentators say, I do not believe that democracy necessarily leads to development. Foreign investors would not have gone into Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia if they had not got their macro-economic policies right. 9 April 2009 THE FUNDAMENTALS OF SINGAPORE’S FOREIGN POLICY: THEN AND NOW Independence was thrust upon Singapore. 2 Filipinos: A Football Legend & A Spanish Prime Minister, Sen. Claro M. Recto on the Presidential System, Crowdsourced Malolos-Style Proposed Constitution, Read This Before Registering to this Site, Dismissing Gridlock: A Case for Parliamentary Systems, How I Came to the Conclusion that the Phils Needs Constitutional Reform, Parliamentary Systems Offer Better Representation, The Anti-People Constitution (from PhilStar), Chan Robles' Copy of the 1987 Constitution, The Parable of the Good Father and National Five-Year Plans, Please read this first before registering. National Archives - Interview with Lee Kuan Yew - National Security Council. There is a complete separation of powers between executive, legislature and judiciary. He has sacked some senior police officers and removed others to less sensitive positions. There must be a cleanup of racketeers in the police, whether for kidnappings or other crimes. Two or three big fish brought to justice successfully, will have a salutary effect on everyone. The question I ask is: Can the next six years be better than the past six? 32. In 1979, oil painter Chua Mia Tee depicted Lee's return from London after the Merdeka Talks. The system worked in America because of a super-abundance of resources and riches in a vast under-populated continent. On woman at work “The only differences between men and women workers are the physical and biological ones. Today, Japan’s per capita is $27,000, Taiwan’s $8,000, Korea’s $6,500, and the Philippines $724. In conclusion, I hope I have provoked you, the business and government establishment of the Philippines, into setting your priorities for getting your act together so that you can achieve your potential. Covering Date: 16/08/1964. 27. Their economic growth bounced from 3-4% to 8-10% per annum. This restored confidence in their currencies. I believe that what a country needs to develop is discipline more than democracy. Lee Kuan Yew – “The Impossible Can Happen!” Lee Kuan Yew was the first and longest-serving Prime Minister of Singapore. In the nature of an economic recovery, there cannot be instant dramatic reversal. It starts with having a core group of united leaders with strong morality and integrity at the top of the government. In that same Asiaweek magazine was another article entitled “Kidnappers in Uniform?”: “Police Brig-Gen Raul Imperial counts more than 50 kidnappings last year, netting $7.6 million in ransoms. In this speech, Lee Kuan Yew had clearly given solid bits of advice to the audience as well as to all Filipinos, and it is this particular speech from whence the famous words “ I do not believe that democracy necessarily leads to development. Being true to himself was one of the many strengths of Lee Kuan Yew. 28. Other schemes like B.O.O. Lee … 4. And it has a good chance of success because it is part of a region which is set for high growth. Why are the Monsods so anti-Constitutional Reform? Election campaigns were colourful and entertaining. LEE KUAN YEW, DURING THE DEBATE IN THE FEDERAL PARLIAMENT, ON THE MOTION OF THANKS TO THE YANG DI-PERTUAN AGONG FOR HIS SPEECH FROM THE THRONE, MAY, 27, 1965 Lee Kuan Yew | 27/05/1965 But when it was over, it was back to more wheeling and dealing until the next elections. I know the Papal … First : Restore law and order. Women are equal to men in intellectual capacity.” “Societies which do not educate and use half their potential because they are women are those which will be the worse off.” Speech at … The president will have to show political skill and courage to cut a way through the conflicting interests of businessmen and the people. They should undertake this vital job as their national duty. Next, Filipino savings must and can be raised. The Philippines must press forward with fiscal reforms which President Aquino began in 1991 under IMF conditionality. The experience of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia is especially relevant. They hold their jobs on merit. Some Filipinos wrongly took exception to this in the 1990s, but starting in the late 2000s, Lee Kuan Yew’s wisdom had become much more popular among Filipinos after years and years of mediocre economic progress resulting from our country’s inability to move over to much better ways of doing things. Kidnappings of local Chinese have increased. (Build, Open Profit Sharing) can also work, so that the infrastructure projects especially roads, telecommunication and industrial estates can be done quickly when public funds are short. The Ramos presidency will have to prove that this democratic constitution can be made to work and that development is achievable. The big problem is that taxes especially income taxes are not collected. The result: “The joke in the Philippines is that 98% of the population are waiting for a telephone, and the other 2% for a dial tone. One Man’s View of the World (2013). Filipinos have no empty, wealthy continent to make them rich. I believe that what a country needs to develop is discipline more than democracy” were taken. Singapore — A speech that founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew made in 2003 on an outbreak of Sars in the country is being widely shared online. I knew Filipino politics in the Marcos era as rumbustious. You must expect domestic vested interests to exploit the political system to slow down economic liberalisation. You must have known my attitudes from reports over a long time. W hen I was in my teens I heard about a political study. By the early 80s, at first, Thailand, and next Malaysia, changed policies. We are right now reeling from the effects of this delay. He had survived hardship, danger and fear in the Japanese Occupation. Speech by Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Minister Mentor, at the S. Rajaratnam Lecture, 09 April 2009, 5:30 pm at Shangri-La Hotel. Singapore is a country that used to be poor and third world just like us. The nation has only a little more than a million phones for 62 million people. The second task is to free the economy from controls and monopolies. This photo taken on April 28, 2006 shows the late Kwa Geok Choo, wife of Singaporean Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, attending at the Foreign Correspondents gala dinner in Singapore. Lee Kuan Yew is considered the founding father of modern Singapore. One problem is the Philippines has an American-style constitution, one of the most difficult to operate in the world. Moreover, Lee Kuan Yew also made mention of the inherent weaknesses and disadvantages of the Philippines’ stubborn use of the American-style Presidential System with its gridlock-prone and shutdown-prone Separation of Powers. 4. Unlike these countries, the Philippines can pull itself together and get on with the job. Former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, often described as the "shrewdest politician of the region," was the head of Singapore's Government since 1959. The first task is to restore law and order. TOM RODRIGUEZ is a solid Constitutional Reform advocate! Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. If government workers are adequately paid, they deserved to be punished with severe penalties when they take bribes. But events left an indelible mark on him. If I were a Filipino, I would count my blessings and start in a positive frame of mind. In this speech, Lee Kuan Yew had clearly given solid bits of advice to the audience as well as to all Filipinos, and it is this particular speech from whence the famous words “I do not believe that democracy necessarily leads to development. Lee Kuan Yew on Filipinos and the Philippines. Among the highest phone rates in Asia – only Japan is more expensive – and probably the worst service.”. With their combined investments and with the value of preferred stock greater than common stock, subscribers in effect own about 92% of the company. 9. Almost a quarter of the country’s export earnings go to service a foreign debt of $29 billion; over a tenth of the workforce is unemployed; and inflation which averaged 19% last year, is still running at an annual rate of around 9%. Filipinos should not tolerate a slower pace of liberalisation than what their ASEAN partners have achieved, especially Thailand and Malaysia and now Indonesia. In Lee Kuan Yew: The Man and His Ideas (TMHI, ... 1989 National Day Rally speech, quoted in The Straits Times, August 21st, 1989, p. 17 . 17. Tiglao was hopeful: “However, the economic performance of the Philippines’ ASEAN neighbours , which had sought foreign investments, has gradually resulted in the sea change in national attitudes …” There was “easy passage of the Foreign Investment Act of 1991, which basically lifted all restrictions, except those that are in the constitution, on foreign investments.”. I believe that what a country needs to develop is discipline more than democracy” were taken. Text of the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew’s speech taken from the National Archives of Singapore. It was his leadership that transformed Singapore from a third world country into a thriving metropolitan city in just three decades. President Ramos has started to clean up the police and the military. Speech at the 10th Anniversary Celebrations of the Jalan Tenteram Community Centre, 27th June 1970 Lee Kuan Yew in his own words, 1959-1970 27. The late founding Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, had been invited by the Philippine Business Conference to address them back on November 18, 1992, not long after he had already stepped down as Prime Minister and assumed the more advisory cabinet role of Senior Minister to the new Government led by his successor, Goh Chok Tong. — Lee Kuan Yew, Interview with Hirotsugu Koike, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, December 20th, 1990. They will put pressure on Congress to clean up their act, to demolish barriers which are depriving Filipinos of the progress enjoyed by their neighbours. It is hoped that by once again introducing to the Filipino People these constructive criticisms and the sound advice given by the late Lee Kuan Yew based on his experience and his erudite policy expertise, we may be jolted into realizing just how urgent these reforms are and how long ago these had already been talked about, yet we have not fought hard enough to get these extremely necessary reforms through. In that same Asiaweek magazine was another article entitled “Kidnappers in Uniform?”: “Police Brig-Gen Raul Imperial counts more than 50 kidnappings last year, netting $7.6 million in ransoms. It was re-adopted in 1987 by President Aquino. Indonesia therefore achieved a much higher investment rate of 36% compared to the Philippines’ 20%. My remarks today are based on published reports. They wrote the constitution in 1787 and ratified it in 1789. If the Philippines stick to old policies, because vested interests are too powerful to overturn, then Filipinos will continue to lag further and further behind her ASEAN neighbours. The American Forces have left Subic Bay. Then you will find that Filipinos can perform just as well as Singaporeans or Thais or Malaysians. (Build, Operate, Transfer) arrangements for power projects. Having suffered at the hands of King George III of England, they wanted the opposite of a strong monarch. There is already legislation to allow B.O.T. Asia-Pacific region in the new geopolitical context Lee Kuan Yew (1990). The Ramos Administration has started deregulation and liberalisation. 25. These life experiences drove him to fight for independence. One daily recently suggested that relatives of kidnap victims ask police how much the ransom is. Malays were assured by Mr Lee Kuan Yew last night that they did not need to worry about the arrival of Hongkongers who migrate there … As the Hongkongers would be coming in as employment pass holders each earning at least $1,500 a month, he said that … His duty first and foremost is to the people. They have a densely populated archipelago with little oil, gas, or other valuable natural resources. Dismantle the web of measures which keep out foreign companies and make Philippine companies compete to survive, not thrive at the expense of ordinary Filipinos. 30. Infographic: Solutions to the Root Causes of the Pork Barrel, Forum of Federations: Videos for Learning about Federalism, The Philippines is run like a Mafia Network, Tables and Ladders (Exposing Esposo, Part 2), A Good Constitution Must Reduce the Impact of a Bad Leader, Foreigner: Pinoy Inability to Improve is due to Escapism. They estimate industries could lose 20 billion pesos during this three-month period. To bring myself up to date, I asked for the latest press reports on the Philippines. Lee Kuan Yew also spelled as Lee Kwan Yew 李光耀 is known as a very successful politician, born in Singapore, Mr.Lee successfully turned Singapore from a third world to first world.The other 2 non western countries that managed to reach developed status are Taiwan and South Korea, but both are still behind Singapore in term of Human Development Index (HDI) and Purchasing Power … We and our partners will store and/or access information on your device through the use of cookies and similar technologies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. (Build, Own, Operate) B.O.P.S. Lee Kuan Yew (1923–2015) was a Singaporean political leader and one of the great statesmen of the post World War II-era. In one of … Filipinos are fluent in English, and the use of English is widespread. The fundamentals of our foreign policy were forged during those vulnerable early years. (09/18/1947 - 12/04/1981). Further, if it cannot raise tax revenues, it will be unable to put in place the necessary infrastructure. It is good that there will be a bill in the House to increase the salaries of government workers by some 500 to 1,250 pesos a month from 1 January 1993. Alas, even nature has been unkind. 22. These factors are good for development. To enable Verizon Media and our partners to process your personal data select 'I agree', or select 'Manage settings' for more information and to manage your choices. Federalism & Decentralization: Evaluating Africa’s Track Record, Evolving Federalism & Region-based Decentralization, Useful Information on the Parliamentary System, Video Gallery: Human Costs of Economic Protectionism, The Filipino First Policy caused the Philippines to Fail, Marina Bay Sands is One Big Foreign Direct Investment, Lee Kuan Yew talks about the Failure of Maoism and Deng Xiaoping’s shift towards Capitalism, Why FDI & Economic Liberalization are necessary, The Difference Between OFW Remittances versus FDI, Philippine Progress: Shift in Sport, Shift in System, Parliamentary Systems are Less Prone to Corruption, Claro M. Recto on the Presidential System. March 23, 2016, marks the first death anniversary of Singapore’s founding father and long-serving Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. An example of a powerful vested interest that has to be tackled was reported in Asiaweek, 21 August 1992, the Philippines Long Distance Telephone Company which has had a monopoly for 64 years. 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