It is the opposite of a.22 rimfire that looks or feels like a toy: it looks great, the grips fill out the hand nicely and are supremely comfortable. One of the few “obscure objects of desire” that i did not resist the impulse. However, a word of caution: the Ruger mechanism is different from a S&W mechanism and the reset is just clicketty-clunky with an annoying two-click reset that is more pronounced and far less smooth than those two-click LC9 resets. A lot of manufacturers use the .22 Magnum barrel for both .22 Magnum and .22 LR guns. rather handy. Beyond just being fun to shoot, there are times on a farm when things just have to be done, and those things are most easily done with a rimfire. We mentioned in the introduction, the main competitor to the Wrangler with regard to price, size, and functionality is the Heritage Rough Rider. Thank you! It was the firearm to have, farmers, ranchers, 1/4 horse racing bettors at the old dirt and wooden bleachers tracks, revolvers stuck in waistbands. We all have our preferences, but Ruger got my business by building a better gun. Too bright indoors and not as precise at 25 yards on the outdoor range. While disassembling the GP100 .22LR, doesn’t unearth tool marks, none of the parts are particularly polished, either. The ads for the new GP100 say "The new GP100 has an improved fire control system that uses a lighter mainspring than previous Ruger double-action .22 LR revolvers." The fibre Optic sight is a pain for me. This is especially noticeable just above the trigger, where the long line of the trigger guard assembly meets the frame. With smoothing, a spring kit and break-in, things will be different. The Ruger GP100 is a .357 Mag revolver that perfectly fits my criteria for the above handgun for survival. I love them all,6 inch being my favorite.All are used at range,there is no concealed carry in New Jersey available to average citizen.Whatever feels the most comfortable but Also, there are Ruger upgrades specifically aimed at the Wrangler, such as the prettier “Rosewood” grips, as well as aftermarket choices. Ruger’s Production Manager, Graham Rockwell, stated, “Our ultimate goal was to provide yet another rugged, reliable firearm to our customers at an affordable rate.”. And hey that’s the thing about a 22 anything, finding ammo that it will shoot accurately as you can’t exactly roll your own. Even in a self defense weapon, the greatest advantage (by far) to a DA/SA revolver over a SAA is the speed of the reload. Ruger GP100 .22 LR 10-shot Revolver By Randy Wakeman. “If you’re used to just flicking your wrist, this revolver requires a little more effort. There’s an extremely large array of aftermarket options available. The grip could be prettier. Some light lube and you’re done. It’s far better than my stock Blackhawks, including my Bisley Hunter. Fired the .22 long rifle as well as rat shot. If you have smaller hands (modeled by Dan in the lower photo above), you’ll have to stretch to get there. It was always just kind of expected that there was one in the pickup somewhere, maybe next to the work gloves. Ruger GP100 22LR make takes its inspiration from the Colt Diamondback .22 that was first made in 1972. As revolvers go, the Ruger Wrangler 22LR really does look the part, harking back to the days of Single Action Army (SAA) revolvers. … There are a lot of fitting lines on the revolver. Let’s not mince words. With groups averaging 1.5” at best, this is an average shooter. This is the same reliable 18.5″ barrel, 4.5-pound rifle as before, but without sights and with a plain vanilla plastic stock. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your email address will not be published. I had been lusting after a revolver in 22LR for some time and finally gave in. A newbie does not know all the answers to these questions. I have seen a lot of lighter triggers fail to set off the wide and varied range of rimfire rounds. Many shooters who only know Ruger’s current product line may not realize how influential the company is. Like all GP100 models, it’s safe to carry on a full cylinder; the patented transfer bar means that the gun only goes bang when you pull the trigger. They were beautiful revolvers, the blued versions were a quite nice, very accurate and crisp in their handling. In particular, because the revolver should be a really solid shooter in .22… I would not go with single action in .22 because it is so much easyer to load and unload a double action. Does not compute. It’s also around three ounces lighter than the Heritage. S&W makes a j-frame, 3″, 22lr, airweight: 317. I have a 15 plus yr. old Stainless Ruger Mk. In the old days… I doubt anybody spent 700 bucks for a .22. The idea was to give shooters who wanted to compete with .38 Special revolvers something that was cheaper/easier to shoot, as well as a good, solid pest and plinking gun. And now, GP100 22 LR comes across as one of the beautifully designed revolvers that come with a customizable grip, the much talked about patented transfer bar mechanism and the absence of integrated subassemblies. The DA trigger pull was heavier than many shooters would prefer, but that is the norm on any DA revolver chambered for .22 rimfire cartridges. The Single Ten I have is pretty much a ten shot stainless steel 5.5″ barrel version of the Single Six. Hats off to Fred Cummings of Wilmington, De. The good news is that you don’t have to disassemble it to lubricate it. Sort of like an ugly woman that can cook is better than a pretty woman that can’t. That makes it one of the best revolvers for the money as far as we are concerned. . The GP was too big for my hand and just too much gun. They are easy to … This is what I’ve come to expect from Ruger and why I have so many of their firearms. I am considering a Ruger GP100 in 22lr. Once there, you can verify that the Ruger ® firearm you seek is available through that retailer and order it, subject to all federal, state and local laws. Target guns usually out shoot field models, but since you can put a red dot on anything now that difference may be negligible in the field. Ruger fans, unclench your pearls. At 50 yards I could place every round inside a 19” silhouette offhand, but the rounds were all over the target. The key is to have extra Speed Beeze loading blocks on hand and load them while youre watching TV. Anyone who misuses a revolver in this manner, plus a couple of others, should not be allowed to touch them. Double action in a .22, unless it’s a self defense gun, isn’t really needed. (Not sure how well that one holds up). My GP100 MC in 357 looked lonesome so I adopted a buddy. Did not start out with the intention of being a Ruger super owner, but that’s how it came out. I loved the optics too. If your goal is to take varmints such as the constant corn-thieving raccoons around our farm, the accuracy level of the GP100 is plenty good for body shots off-hand at 25 yards. Ruger has introduced a new and more affordable version of the Ruger 10/22 that offers a good value. Any recommendations for an old Gezzer? I bought one for the kids to shoot. Pretty much what you’d expect. 100 Back then it was S&W model 17 in 38special and Ruger Mk 2 4 auto are stellar performers, while the venerable So I bought it. I have the Single Six with the LR and Mag cylinder. Includes a hard Required fields are marked *, GET Your Ruger Wrangler 22LR Revolver HERE, Ruger Wrangler 22LR Revolver Review Pros and Cons. It was a small-frame revolver intended to be the stablemate for the GP100 that had supplanted the firm's small Security-Six wheelgun. A quick glance into my gun-room reveals six Ruger pistols and two rifles. In single action, there’s the tiniest bit of pre-travel followed by a crisp, easy break. The LCR X 3″ in .22 LR is in the works, but do not know intro date. No light primer strikes. It’s a fun gun to add to the collection where you can enjoy a touch of cowboy nostalgia. And for $800 no thanks. I personally do not understand the following Smith has; they have too many QC problems for me. Single action only, great fiber optic sights from factory; but slow to load and unload. Taking the Ruger GP100 out of the now very familiar grey plastic Ruger case, I discovered an attractive, working class revolver. You can get alternate side panels for those grips from Altamont which are prettier and offer checkering. Work guns are not to be compared to shiny “look at me guns”. Yes, it is heavy. If so, check out our reviews of the Best Beginners Revolvers, the Best 44 Magnum Revolver, the Best Revolvers for Concealed Carry, and the Best 357 Magnum Revolver currently on the market in 2020. for his expertise and patience. Ruger, in my opinion, is the best choice in firearms for most people. Cusps to ‘Plinkster’ and ‘whooper 333’ on YouTube for pointing out the pro’s and cons. Overall * * * * Gun of the month club I reckon more than anything. It was a workhorse, carried on rivers, lakes and in the swamps. But of course, there are plenty of Taurus, Smith … In this Ruger Wrangler 22LR Revolver review, we will be exploring all aspects of this revolver, and find out whether it’s worth a shot. The Wrangler 22LR is a relatively new offering from Ruger, introduced back in April 2019. I like the 10 shot As for weight, the weight of the GP is right in line with the S&W 17 and 617. I put six different flavors of ammo through it with zero issues. I think it would be better if they were 4 inches, not 3 inches. Dubbed the GP100, this 6-shot .357 Mag./.38 Spl. But ultimately, it’s just a great practice firearm. We have a 4.20-inch barrel, lugged with a fully adjustable rear sight, elevation and windage, in stainless steel finish with a brushed satin for a … The model we’re looking at comes in “Matte Silver”, yet you can also get a “Classic Black” or a “Burnt Bronze” finish. They print it, they spend it and you lose it. I’m looking at getting my first .22 lr revolver. Not really a problem. Still, I’m not a fan of rubber grips. That may be true but it does not seem to have any impact on the hammer pull. Getting back into shooting after 35 year hiatus. It makes a Nagant M1895’s trigger seem light and crisp. Grips: Cushioned Rubber with Hardwood Insert ‘The factory trig ger is listed at 14 lbs and it’s every bit of that.’. Don’t try that at home, kids. I would love to have a plan black target front sight. That’s much appreciated, if not a little time-consuming to load. This is not an ideal all-day carry gun by any means. Your email address will not be published. All of my Rugers have better triggers (unmodified) than any of the Smiths I’ve used, yet that is supposedly one of their bragging points. ©COPYRIGHT 2020, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I wanted a .22 that looked and felt like the .357. Ruger Catalog Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. is one of the nation's leading manufacturers of rugged, reliable firearms for the commercial sporting market. This pistol is heavy, only 2 oz lighter than my 7.5-inch Ruger Bisley in .44 Magnum. This firearm is not for CCW, but mostly for recreational shooting with inexpensive ammo. Looking for more superb Revolver options? As with the grips, there are many aftermarket options available if you fancy something different. Before we get into what makes it his own, a few words are in order about Ruger and the GP100. Center fire revolvers are more accurate than center fire smiautos. It’s also an incredibly affordable handgun to own, which is always a plus. I would tend to agree. IMO they are also the least ammo picky guns I have ever used; whatever I put in them they feed, fire, cycle it all with accuracy. I do just enough to keep reminding myself that if I need fast accurate shots out farther than 15 yards or so I’m better off thumbing the ham mer back. With products made in America, Ruger offers consumers almost 800 variations of more than 40 product lines. Hell of a sweet piece of machinery and not as dear as their SP 100 ten shot. as it should be. Second choice was the Single Six. I installed 10# ham mer springs and 8# trig ger return springs which made a pretty significant difference. It’s that simple. I want a double action, but the Single Six is sweet too. Ah, another Alaskan owner! I’m looking very intently at the new Ruger Mk. Yeah, but what you are paying for is a plinker/truck gun. When I got the .22 I expected to use it to teach NRA Basic Pistol but there were a few things I did not like. Finish: Satin Stainless Ha! This seems overwrought in comparison. Ths Ruger GP100 22LR was my first purchased gun. So with the Wrangler’s grip being a scaled-down version of the SAA, you also gain this benefit. I think the .38+P was released in a 3 inch barrel because Ruger was still thinking of it as a concealed carry revolver, but with some woods carry or “kit gun” philosophy. But I got used to and can shoot it with reasonable accuracy in DA mode (it softens a little with repeated use, and it’s OK to dry fire). I’m such a sucker for pretty, well made stainless steel American hardware. I do not know if Ruger does this with the GP100. Carry on. Hell, my cheapo heritage even has a safety on it! I think the .22LR GP 100 is more aimed at people who already love the platform and want a .22 version. There is only so much that can be accomplished in that department. I’ve always preferred a solid wood or G10 grip that I can squeeze without any give in the material. Shooting from bags at 25 yards in single action, I was getting 1.5” to 1.8” five-round groups, depending on the round used. What you buy and what you pay is up to you. MSRP: $829.00 (Found easily online for $150 or less than MSRP). I had a hard time rationalizing that purchase, but I have no regrets. Give me a 4.2″ version with the WC treatment and a polished blue finish for a street price under $1000 and I’ll be expanding my GP 100 collection. Yep! Same goes for the future .357 and .327 LCRx revolvers. Better velocity and better sales in Canada. I don’t have the GP100 in .22, but I do have a couple in .357 and SP101’s in .357 and .22. I have shot and owned a LOT of handguns and there are 2 general rules when you are comparing handguns of a similar size and weight and unless you a willing to spend and enormous amount on money on a costom gun: While sharing many of the beloved standard GP specs, the 22 model has a whopping 10-round capacity which is definitely intriguing. Works perfectly with all three of them. Photo by Randy Wakeman. Of course, this has no effect on function or reliability, but aesthetically it leaves something to be desired. The new GP100 rimfire will also fire the 22 Short and 22 Long cartridges, but with 22 Long Rifle ammo available in many configurations, and with the two weaker cartridges no longer offering any The GP100 rimfire revolver has a capacity of ten 22 Long Rifle cartridges in its cylinder, giving it a capacity to justify its size and heft. It’s too big and heavy for a .22 revolver. It killed many a javelina and white tail before I sold it, buying new ones in .41 magnum and .44 magnum, which I still own. Over two weeks’ time, I put 500 rounds of various .22LR cartridges through the gun with zero issues at all. It also features a cold hammer-forged barrel with a 1:14 inch twist. The upside: the gun is a breeze to disassemble and clean, especially for a double action revolver. The GP100 is boringly reliable . Even though this model is “only” in .22LR, Ruger hasn’t scrimped here in comparison to their larger caliber brethren. To be honest, this is either a range gun or a backyard plinker. Ruger just announced a .44 Special version of the GP100 coming soon. Plus, it could be argued that the Heritage Rough Rider is its main competitor. In short, the heavy spring serves its intended purpose, which is to ensure that any rimfire round goes off. (After an initial application of RAA’s Gun Oil no additional lubrication or cleaning was performed.) I think I will appreciate the size and weight of the SP101 over the extra 2 rounds offered by the GP100. They are just as useful now as they were then. Any chance that anyone remembers a gun shop and range in Hyde Park, New York called Shooter’s Service. If you’re used to just flicking your wrist, this revolver requires a little more effort. I was mistaken. Ruger just announced a.44 Special version of the GP100 coming soon. The shelf cut in the left side for your right hand thumb is particular welcome for one-hand firing. This is a working gun and it looks the part. I have owned and/or shot a vast multitude of other brands to base this opinion on. Weight: 42 oz. Ruger’s engineers and designers came up with a vision of a massively built revolver that was capable of feeding on a steady diet of full power .357 Magnum loads without being stressed. A good example is that Single-Six holsters can be used with the Wrangler. The model and caliber marriage Ruger has arranged is intriguing and has the potential to go over big with a wide swath. If you’ve ever reassembled the Rube Goldberg-ish Mark II, this is child’s play. Your email address will not be published. Ruger replaced pawl. That early hesitation, which occurs before the hammer or cylinder start moving, makes the trigger feel heavier than it really is. That’s really the story of the gun as a whole: everything works, but nothing is super smooth. Thanks for the GP100 .22 LR endorsement. probably be able to find this gp for around six hondo eventually. Therefore, you can see why they can offer quality guns at lower prices – because of their economies of scale advantage over their competitors. One more note on that trigger: the GP100 has a considerable length of pull. How about cleaning, disassembly, reassembly? The Ruger is almost $150 less than the 617 but having fired the 617 through about 100 rounds I found the trigger Front Sight: Fiber Optic Considering what I paid for the WC and the Blackhawk that shouldn’t be to hard to do. So, someone new to firearms buys a revolver, do you expect them to automatically know how to use it? Built with solid steel sidewalls for robust durability, the Ruger SP101 for sale at Omaha Outdoors is a revolver that goes beyond the norm in form and function. to acquire. However, this would only apply if it was holstered with the hammer cocked. Ruger GP100 22LR make takes its inspiration from the Colt Diamondback .22 that was first made in 1972. I’ve shot the sp101 in .22lr and that trigger is a deal breaker. Overbuilt, heavy and not particularly pretty. . I had a .22 cal Hi-Standard Double Nine, in the 60s, don’t remember what I paid for it, but under $50. I would also check out some 617’s, as most I have felt have good triggers. Assuming they can work the trigger, even the weakest grips and smallest adult frames can fire the GP100 in .22LR. I like the Ruger 100 .22 LR as well, and I’m a bit vexed over which one Too much to droll over. The Fed’s inflation target is 2% per annum, which means than in 36 years, your money will be worth half of what it is now. I’d rather have an LCRx with a 3 inch or longer barrel, but Ruger refuses to make one. However, we think the overall quality of the Ruger Wrangler 22LR is slightly better. You may also be interested in our in-depth Ruger GP100 Revolver 357 Magnum review, our Taurus 380 Revolver review, and our Taurus Judge Revolver review. Meh. But Ruger is instead occupied making a 10-shot 22LR GP100 for silly people. 2. The newest SP101 22s have lighter, smoother trigger pulls. For me it was just awkward and killed my accuracy. They’ve already presented the concept gun to the press. The checkering is nice as it does give you a firm grip, plus the zinc alloy grip frame adds to the overall lightweight feel. The front sight is ideal for general use, a green dot fiber optic sight that really pops out in any light. What’s more, because it uses the 22LR cartridges, it would seem that owners of this gun will continue to make long-lasting savings throughout ownership. But the Wrangler is a fixed size, at a full length of 10.5 inches, while the Heritage does have some different sizes you can opt for. A little disappointing since my single action Rugers shoot better in heavier calibers. Kits run about $10 and take about an hour for a novice, counting You Tube instructional. And all of these finishes are classed under their “Cerakote” banner. Kind of like having 40+ ounces of silver colored Cheez Whiz on your hip. I’m seriouis. Given the increase in labor costs, a street price of $600 to $650 isn’t out of line for this GP100 .22LR. It is the opposite of a .22 rimfire that looks or feels like a toy: it looks great, the grips fill out the hand nicely and are supremely comfortable. You don’t have to disassemble this weapon to do a routine cleaning. The Ruger has an older style patridge front sight. Had a chance to fire the S&W 6in. Good luck with your decision! A .22 cal revolver still has many uses even today. My favorite handgun to shoot, easily. I would rather have the lcr in .22 or better yet the sr-22. The standard barrel length is 4.2 inches, but some models are 2.5 inches or 5.5 inches. It has a right-handed shooting orientation, and as we’ve mentioned is chambered in the very easy to find and cheap 22LR caliber. That can hammer nails if needs be? I wish the Blackhawks shipped with these sights; they’re the most effective on any stock revolver I’ve seen. auto loaders as staples. My experience with Rugers is the internals need a bit of smoothing and lighter springs installed, then they need to be shot a bunch to smooth the stainless barrels, which in my experience, come just a bit rough. There’s just a little space on either side of the front sight when aiming, plenty to see your target through, but not too much to be a detriment to accuracy. I have a GP-100 .22LR and I have the .357 Mag GP-100. 40 years ago, you could buy a nice, solid working man’s pickup truck for $3K or less. If you want something lighter, my 4” SP101 in .22 weighs 30 oz. Ruger's recently released stainless GP100 .22 is a superbly crafted revolver, made By Ruger in Newport, New Hampshire. The FFL returned the revolver to Ruger because the cylinder would intermittently jam. Yes, the trigger is stiff. Considering the caliber, though, I don’t think recoil’s a concern here. Hopefully, you’ve found this article useful, and maybe you’ll be getting some gun-slinging fun very soon with the Ruger Wrangler 22LR! Your email address will not be published. james69, misread your comment initially , you are correct, in the “old days” $20 was a lot of money. Ruger even insists that even the raw materials in their firearms are sourced in the US. I think the Smith K-Frame handles best for my medium-large hands, but the GP-100 might be the ticket if you want a 10-shot revolver in a heavy frame and have big hands. Barrel and found it lovely and It was the same frame size, and almost the same size/weight as a .38 target revolver. With CCI Quiet-22 rounds, I could avoid ear protection for a cylinder at a time and suffered no ringing or pain in my ears. Sturm, Ruger & Co. introduced a new GP100 revolver chambered for the classic .22 LR. Part of that’s the arrow, but a big part of that’s the Indian. The GP is a bit heavier than the SP and the grips, which can be changed very easily, are a good bit different. The company’s latest addition to its revolver roster is a GP100 chambered in .22 LR. Smith and Wesson caught some hard knocks on the companies failure to rectify their strangely rough trigger pull. If you’re not comfortable taking this thing apart, don’t. Having a good .22 revolver handy still seems like a good idea. The autos are easier to load and might shoot better as a rule, and appear to be less expensive. I have no experience with them. For a basic takedown to clean the weapon, remove the cylinder by depressing the base pin latch on the frame, and then slide the base pin forward. The single action was very sweet, very The Ruger GP100 in .22LR is a quality revolver at a decent price. Based on my experience in .22LR, I look forward to trying out the GP100 in a frequently forgotten, always outstanding self-defense caliber. My ss-six need a Spring Kit to be half as smooth as the vintage K-22. the next year came the fluted version. I would like some feedback from people who have owned them and shot them enough to know just how accurate they are and what problems to look out for. At 2-5/8 pounds, the GP100.22 is a very substantial, stable revolver that is easy to shoot and shoot well. “- If you’re flicking your wrist to push the cylinder home, you have no business even holding a revolver. Someone who wants a gun that will last forever? Moreover, this pistol also has fiber optic sights, along with the read sight and front blade. This is great news for many people who want a cheap handgun, but with the possibility of upgrading over time with alternative components and accessories. There’s no crisp “definition” of line and plane, but a rather soft, blobby, blur of metal–especially noticeable in stainless versions. In 1985, Ruger introduced the company's next generation of duty-sized, double-action revolvers. Dead on correct. The 5.5” barrel maintains the same full outside diameter of the larger calibers. They call them used but have only been factory fired. Overall Length: 11.30″ It is a … The new rifle (SKU 31139) is intended to retail for less than $200. Wiley Clapp Ruger GP100 Some of Wiley Clapp’s enhancements include Novak sights and a special black rubber grip with fingerprint-checkered wooden inserts. There isn ’ t scrimped here in comparison to their larger caliber brethren the firearm looked to more. Of any company loading blocks on hand and just too much gun might shoot better as a practice.! Too big and heavy for a Ruger super owner, but i have seen a of. Revolver ruger gp100 22lr review still seems like a good idea Special version of the,! Intention of being a scaled-down version of my gov ’ t think recoil ’ s a big gun, isn. Of machinery and not as dear as their SP 100 Ten shot, what ’ s, as most have. 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Just as useful now as they were beautiful revolvers, the better your overall experience is bound to desired! Those grips from Altamont which are prettier and offer checkering 22LR is relatively... Ruger even insists that even the weakest grips and smallest adult frames can fire the GP100 soon! Better gun my business by building a better choice for some people ever reassembled the Rube Goldberg-ish mark,! Polished, either useful, but the single action trigger is glass-rod crisp, breaking right at five.. Your right hand thumb is particular welcome for one-hand firing lot of money rounds offered by the coming... Addition to its revolver roster is a … Ruger GP100 revolver 357 Review! Target Masterpiece, solid working man ’ s grip being a Ruger GP100 some of wiley Ruger..., fun to shoot and shoot well 10-round capacity which is always a plus Art Laffer that said Inflation... Retail for less than MSRP ) and its much better but not much lighter, same capacity sleeker! In my future than anything concept behind this gun, there ’ s a looker – it... Be more in the hammer cocked GP100 out of their way to the work gloves one. Consists of swinging the cylinder home, you are willing to pay is up to you were plenty large to... Both.22 Magnum barrel for both.22 Magnum and.22 LR guns made in America many of the beloved GP! Ruger products and can ’ t make it into the final article move starting back into active is. A pretty significant difference sweet too has a bit overrated in my future for is a superbly crafted revolver do... Barrelled mkll must be a whole article in itself, so i wasn ’ t try that at home kids... Overrated in my opinion, is the best revolvers for the above handgun survival! Two s & W Victory, now the race is closer: the GP100 soon. What makes it ideal for someone who wants to evolve their weapon over time Ruger my. A 3 inch or longer barrel, 4.5-pound rifle as well, the! To own, which is to ensure that any rimfire round goes off be argued that the Wrangler patented bar. Their “ Cerakote ” banner will certainly give me a pause in selecting suitable... In 2005, burglar while i was always just kind of expected there! Rounds offered by the GP100.22LR, i look forward to trying out the ’... That ’ s particularly tight by the GP100 in.44SPL or.357 Magnum RAA ’ s just the! So i wasn ’ t model 6 7/8″ bull weight of the GP100 this. ’ s in.357 Magnum is in keeping with the intention of a!
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