Ĝi havas molajn harojn. The smooth, yellowish brown culms measure 0.5–5 mm (0.02–0.20 in) wide at their base, and are minutely to densely pubescent, with hairs measuring up to 0.6 mm (0.02 in) long. mollis thominei, the lesser soft brome, occurs in West Europe and the western United States, in California and the Pacific coast of Canada. The typically glabrous lemmas are 6.5–8 mm (0.26–0.31 in) long. The culms are 15–25 cm (5.9–9.8 in) tall. It can grow 7–110 cm (3–43 in) high, sometimes in tufts, sometimes singly. : Bromus mollis) est une plante herbacée annuelle de la famille des Poacées, sous-famille des Pooideae, tribu des Bromeae.Elle est assez commune, on la rencontre au bord des chemins, dans les friches, les champs et les prairies. hordeaceus, the soft brome or soft chess, is an annual or biennial occurring in Europe, western North America, and northeastern North America. The culms are 2–16 cm (0.79–6.30 in) long. [ 1 ] Las vainas de las hojas son peludas, con la parte superior generalmente sin pelo. The culms are 10–70 cm (3.9–27.6 in) tall. The subspecies grows as a weed in cultivated areas, typically in dry soils but rarely in wetlands. pubescens Bromus arvensis var. Ili vivas en la malvarmaj regionoj. The panicles can be dense or reduced to just one spikelet. Bromus arvensis L.; Bromus benekenii (Lange) Trimen; Bromus catharticus Vahl; Bromus commutatus Schrad. The lemmas have hyaline margins 0.3–0.6 mm (0.012–0.024 in) broad. Other resolutions: 169 × 240 pixels | 338 × 480 pixels | 542 × 768 pixels | 722 × 1,024 pixels | 1,860 × 2,637 pixels. palustris Bromus hordeaceus var. The grey-green to purple panicles are 2.5–14 cm (1.0–5.5 in) long and 1–4 cm (0.39–1.57 in) wide. Hordeaceus signifas latine kiel hordeo. [7], Bromus hordeaceus can be a weed in cereal crops. Fiori Bromus mollis L. var. [4] The grass prefers drained or dry soils consisting of clay loam or sand, especially areas tending to be less fertile. The management of this weed is mostly based on an integrated programme. B. japonicus,3. hordeaceus: epítetu llatín que significa "que se paez a la cebada". The awns are straight and erect. 1753. ovalis Bromus hordeaceus var. Bromus Bromus pubescens Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Clade: … [5], There are very few herbicides that selectively control soft brome in wheat or barley. Bromus és un gènere de plantes de la família de les poàcies, ordre dels poals, subclasse dels commelínids, classe de les liliòpsides i divisió dels magnoliofitins.. Espècies. The subequal glumes are minutely to densely pubescent and the keels are serrated. ... Wikipedia® là thương hiệu đã đăng ký của Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., một tổ chức phi lợi nhuận. Sanio Bromus mutabilis F. W. Schultz var. Стоколос м'який (Bromus hordeaceus L.) – вид рослин родини Тонконогові (Poaceae). nanus Bromus hordeaceus var. [2 C'est une plante rudérale et une mauvaise herbe, parfois considérée comme une plante fourragère médiocre. Bromus hordeaceus, the soft brome, is an annual or biennial species of grass in the true grass family (Poaceae). Die Weiche Trespe wurde 1753 von Carl von Linné in Species Plantarum erstveröffentlicht. Bromus hordeaceus. Sveřep měkký (Bromus hordeaceus, syn. This includes hygiene to minimise its introduction to the fields as well as cleaning the fence lines where the infestation is more severe. It is also known in North America as bull grass, soft cheat, and soft chess. [1]Os seus nomes comuns são bromo-cevada, bromo-doce ou bromo-mole. [4], It grows during winter and flowers from late spring onwards, maturing in the summer. Priskribo. The pubescent or glabrous lemmas are 6.5–7.5 mm (0.26–0.30 in) long, with bluntly angled margins. commutatus (Schrad.) Saltar a navegación Saltar a la gueta. The lower glumes are 5.2–7 mm (0.20–0.28 in) long with three to five nerved, and the upper glumes are 6–8.5 mm (0.24–0.33 in) long and seven- to nine-nerved. Ĝi estas unujara. Sveřep měkký ( Bromus hordeaceus ) je středně vysoká, v poslední době se rychle rozšiřující, volně trsnatá plevelná tráva vytvářející poměrně malé a nepevné trsy, druh ze širokého rodu sveřep . Bromus hordeaceus f. leptostachys Bromus hordeaceus f. leiostachys Bromus hordeaceus var. pseudothominii (Ph. [7] The subspecies has a diploid number of 14 or 28. The grass is tufted and erect or decumbent. Bromus alopecuros Poir. Illustration #324 in Martin Cilenšek, Naše škodljive rastline, Celovec (1892), From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bromus_hordeaceus&oldid=228553364, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The plant is resistant to drought and temperature variations. The lemmas are 7.5–9 mm (0.3–0.4 in) long and 1.9–2.5 mm (0.07–0.10 in) wide, with seven to nine visible, conspicuous nerves. Ovsik (stoklasa, lat. Estimates in the scientific literature of the number of species have ranged from 100 to 400, but plant taxonomists currently recognize around 160–170 species. The dark brown anthers are 0.3–1.3 mm (0.012–0.051 in) long. The subspecies can be mistaken for Bromus lepidus in its similar lemma form and characteristics. Taxonavigation . Овсига (Bromus) – род едногодишни или многогодишни тревисти растения от семейство житни.Съществуват около 100 вида в умерените региони по света. nanus Bromus hordeaceus var. Bromus is a large genus of grasses, classified in its own tribe Bromeae. pseudothominii; Bromus hordeaceus ssp. pseudoracemosus Bromus hordeaceus var. Bromus • Species: Bromus hordeaceus L. Vernacular names [ edit wikidata 'Category:Bromus hordeaceus' linked to current category] [ edit wikidata 'Bromus hordeaceus' main topic of 'Category:Bromus hordeaceus'] English : soft brome, soft-brome. العربية: شويعرة طرية. The ovate-lanceolate spikelets are 1.7–3 cm (0.67–1.18 in), including the awns 3–8 mm (0.12–0.31 in) long. tunetanus Bromus hordeaceus var. Chú thích Liên kết ngoài. robustus Bromus hordeaceus var. This page was last edited on 3 January 2017, at 20:31. The paleas are shorter than the lemmas, with glabrous backs and ciliate keels. Ĉefaj specioj. Die Weiche Trespe oder Flaum-Trespe (Bromus hordeaceus) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Trespen (Bromus) innerhalb der Familie der Süßgräser (Poaceae). hirsutus Bromus agrarius Hornung ex Steud. Ili estas unu aŭ plurjaraj herboj kun spiketoj de tri ĝis dudek floroj en simpla aŭ branĉa paniklo.. Uzo. Bromus hordeaceus f. villosus Bromus hordeaceus var. Seed biology of brome grass weeds (Bromus diandrus and B. hordeaceus) and effects of land management, “New Zealand Plant Protection” 63: 78-83, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, "RBG Kew: GrassBase - Bromus hordeaceus Description", "Atlas of the flora of New England: Poaceae", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bromus_hordeaceus&oldid=982380792, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 7 October 2020, at 19:46. molliformis; Bromus hordeaceus ssp. simplicissimus Bromus hordeaceus var. ssp. Previously known as B. mollis,[1] this species belongs to a group of closely related species, including some hybrids, which are difficult to tell apart. From Wikispecies. The panicles are 1–3 cm (0.39–1.18 in) long and often consist of a single spikelet. Einige Sippen werden entweder als Unterarten von Bromus hordeaceus oder al… spiketoj. The apex is bifid and the cleft is 0.3–0.7 mm (0.012–0.028 in) deep. [5] The grass blooms in May and August. molliformis.[2]. [7] The subspecies has a diploid number of 28. Citoloxía. [8] It grows in meadows and grasslands. [7] Der Umfang der Art Bromus hordeaceus wird von verschiedenen Autoren unterschiedlich weit gefasst. B. hordeaceus,2. The subspecies has a contracted panicle about 10 cm (3.9 in) long, with villous spikelets. mollis Bromus hordeaceus fue descrita por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 1: 77. Subspecies. The spikelets are villous and the awns are spreading or twisted. It grows in wheat and spring barley crops competing and reducing their yield. B. squarrosus.Sturm 1796, Mehka stóklasa. 1753. commutatus (Schrad.) It is found throughout Europe and western Asia, and was introduced into North and South America and Australia. [3] The rachillae can be visible when the spikelet is mature and the spikelet has six to eleven florets. ; Bromus barobalianus G. Singh; Bromus benekenii (Lange) Trimen; Bromus brachyphyllus Merr. et Arn. divaricatus (Bonnier & Layens) Kerg., Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. Bromus hordeaceus là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hòa thảo. 1753. ovalis Bromus hordeaceus var. The panicles are up to 10 cm (3.9 in) long. [9], Bromus hordeaceus subsp. A Torà (Segarra - Catalunya) A Torà (Segarra - Catalunya) Al Port del Comte (Solsonès - Catalunya) flowering (nl: … pseudothominii occurs in Europe and sporadically throughout North America. typicus Bromus hordeaceus var. Bromopsis erecta) je druh suchých trávníků. The seeds can contaminate the crop seeds and lower seed quality. Bromus hordeaceus é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Poaceae.. A autoridade científica da espécie é L., tendo sido publicada em Species Plantarum 1: 77. pripada mu preko 150 vrsta raširenih po svim kontinentima.. na području Hrvatske postoji dvadesetak vrsta i podvrsta poljski ovsik (B. arvensis), krovni ovsik (B. tectorum) i drugi.. Vrste [7], Bromus hordeaceus subsp. [6], Bromus hordeaceus is closely related to and difficult to distinguish from Bromus racemosus. Le Brome mou (Bromus hordeaceus, syn. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753. B. hordeaceus,2. Bromus mollis) je druhem kulturních luk, častý také v trávnících ve městech. Ĝi altas 20-100 cm. Soreng RJ, G Davidse, PM Peterson, FO Zuloaga, EJ Judziewicz, TS Filgueiras & O Morrone 2003 and onwards. The grey-green leaf blades are 2.2–18 cm (0.9–7.1 in) long and 1–5.3 mm (0.04–0.21 in) wide, with a pubescent adaxial surface and an abaxial surface pubescent with hairs about one quarter the length of those on the adaxial surface. Wikipedia. Bromus hordeaceus L. var. Bromus commutatus alcanza un tamaño de entre 40 y 120 cm de altura. This subspecies is primarily a forage plant, and occurs in waste places and roadsides. Elterjedése, élőhelye. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. [7], Bromus hordeaceus subsp. Growers in New Zealand use stubble burning to reduce the seed input in the following crops. Etimoloxía. B. squarrosus.Sturm: Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen 1796, 1. It is also known in North America as bull grass, soft cheat, and soft chess. ; Palisiya sa personal nga impormasyon Bromus hordeaceus, esperante mola bromuso, estas vegetala specio de la subfamilio de Pooideae. ; Bromus erectus Huds. commutatus (Schrad.) A good crop rotation is useful as B. hordeaceus can be controlled with several herbicides in most other crops in the rotation. molliformis is an tufted annual occurring in France, Italy, California, Idaho, and New Mexico. The subspecies lacks auricles and the ligules are hyaline and smooth. Bromus hordeaceus, bull girse, is an annual or biennial species o gress in the true gress faimily The erect to ascending or lax branches of the panicle are scabrous or pubescent, each branch bearing one spikelet. Sveřep vzpřímený (Bromus erectus, syn. thominei – Lesser Soft Brome [8] The subspecies grows in waste areas and sandy soils or dunes. The plant is pubescent entirely and lacks rhizomes. Il forasacco peloso (nome scientifico Bromus hordeaceus L., 1753 è una specie di pianta spermatofita monocotiledone appartenente alla famiglia Poaceae (sottofamiglia Pooideae ex Graminaceae). [7], Bromus hordeaceus subsp. The moderately to densely pilose leaf sheaths are mostly closed, with hairs 1.2 mm (0.047 in) long. parviglumis Bromus hordeaceus var. parviglumis Bromus hordeaceus var. [8] The scabrid awns are somewhat erect. The membraneous and erose ligules are 1–2.6 mm (0.04–0.10 in) long and are glabrous or pubescent. [4], Bromus hordeaceus is native to the Mediterranean basin, and is now widely distributed across North America, Europe, Africa, and Australia. The lemmas are 8–11 mm (0.31–0.43 in) long. Bromus hordeaceus ssp. Bromus hordeaceus — Brome mou Pour les articles homonymes, voir Brome (homonymie) … Wikipédia en Français. В България има над 15 вида, предимно по пасища и ливади. Bromus hordeaceus describióse por Carlos Linneo y espublizóse en Species Plantarum 1: 77. Hình ảnh. Blízce příbuzný sveřep ladný (Bromus lepidus) se do ČR šíří v poslední době ze S a Z Evropy. La inflorescencia en forma de panícula erecta es de 7-20 cm, por lo general. molliformis (J.Lloyd) Maire & Weiller : Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (2001) They are commonly known as bromes, brome grasses, cheat grasses or chess grasses. Size of this preview: 423 × 600 pixels. The only obvious distinguishing characteristic is the level of lemma nerve protrusion; the lemma nerves are raised and conspicuous in B. hordeaceus while they are smooth and obscure in B. Bromus hordeaceus belongs to the Flowering Plants group. [2] Etimología. лат. 39, 41, 46, and 48. ; Bromus dijandrus Roth; Bromus erectus Huds. Bromus arcticus Shear; Bromus arvensis L.; Bromus auleticus Trin. robustus Bromus hordeaceus var. It grows in waste areas, road verges, fields, grassy plains, and sandy beaches. Scientific name Source Bromus hordeaceus subsp. Bromus je rod u porodici Poaceae, cvjetnica u redu Poales, razred Liliopsida, divizija Tracheophyta. tunetanus Bromus hordeaceus var. Bromus mango estis kultivita kiel greno per la Indianoj Araucans de Ĉilio.. Disvastiĝo. Priskribo. [3] hordeaceus: epíteto latino que significa "que se parece a la cebada". [8] The apex of the ovary is pubescent. Bromus hordeaceus L. - Forasacco peloso: l'altezza della pianta è di 1-4 dm; il ciclo biologico è annuo; la forma biologica è terofita scaposa (T scap); il tipo corologico è Subcosmopolita; gli habitat tipici sono i prati, le siepi e i terreni abbandonati; in Italia è una specie comune ed è presente su tutto il territorio fino ad una altitudine di 2 000 m s.l.m. Jump to navigation Jump to search. On-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vols. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the. racemosus Bromus arduennensis var. Esta páxina forma parte del wikiproyeutu Botánica, un esfuerciu collaborativu col fin d'ameyorar y organizar tolos conteníos rellacionaos con esti tema. hordeaceus — «що нагадує ячмінь».Синонім Bromus mollis L. The plant lacks auricles. Bromus hordeaceus, the Soft Brome, is a species of plant in the true grass family ().It is also known in North America as Bull Grass, Soft Cheat or Soft Chess. This subspecies can be used for erosion control. typicus Bromus hordeaceus var. The leaf margins are smooth or serrated. Zachte dravik (Bromus hordeaceus, synoniem: Bromus mollis) is een in België en Nederland algemeen voorkomende plant uit de grassenfamilie (Poaceae).De plant komt van nature voor in het Middellandse Zeegebied, West-Europa en Oost-Azië.De botanische naam Bromus is afgeleid van het Griekse woord bromos, dat haver betekent, omdat sommige draviksoorten een beetje op haver lijken. palustris Bromus hordeaceus var. The culms are 10–70 cm (3.9–27.6 in) tall. simplicissimus Bromus hordeaceus var. Alderique:Bromus hordeaceus. Stipe with leaf and fringed, hairy ligule, Spikelet with lower and upper gluma (Glu), lemma (Lem) and palea (Pal), Spikelet with flower in between opened lemma and palea, Spikelet with lemma with beard and fringed palea, Flower (on the right) with stamina and styli and fringed palea (on the left), 1. condensatus (Hack.) racemosus. hordeaceus; Bromus hordeaceus ssp. The spikelets are cleistogamous. B. japonicus,3. Bromus: nombre genérico que deriva del griego bromos = (avena), o de broma = (alimento). Bromus hordeaceus f. villosus Bromus hordeaceus var. An Bromus in uska genus han Liliopsida.An Bromus in nahilalakip ha familia nga Poaceae. The panicles are 5–10 cm (2.0–3.9 in) long. Bromus), rod trava smješten u vlastiti tribus Bromeae, dio je potporodice Pooideae. ferronii – Least Soft Brome; Bromus hordeaceus ssp. Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. Smith) H.Scholz Photos . Ang teksto puyde magamit ubos sa Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; puyde madugangan ang mga termino.Tan-awa ang Mga Termino sa Paggamit para sa mga detalye. hordeaceus, Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. It is the most common species of Bromus in Britain, where it can be found on roadsides, waste ground, meadows, and cultivated land. pseudoracemosus Bromus hordeaceus var. The awns are 4–7.6 mm (0.16–0.30 in) long, arising 0.4–1.2 mm (0.016–0.047 in) below the lemma. Főleg az északi mérsékelt övben terjedt el, de egyes fajai megtalálhatók a déli mérsékelt övben, illetve a trópusokon is. Bromus mollis Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky . Some of the other species in this group include: B. thominii, B. lepidus, B. ferronii, and B. [5], Bromus hordeaceus subsp. ; Bromus angrenicus Drobow The pubescent lemmas are 8–11 mm (0.31–0.43 in) long and have rounded margins. glabrescens Bromus elongatus var. Multaj specioj estas trudherboj dum aliaj gresoj. [9], Dastgheib F. & Poole N. (2010). Bromus: nome xenéricu que remanez del griegu bromos = (avena), o de chancia = (alimentu). [1]U Bosni i Hercegovini i okolnim balkanskim područjima raste 20-ak taksona ovog roda: . Egyaránt nő a szántóföldeken, a füves és ruderális területeken, a parlagokon, az évelő pillangósok vetésterületein. Bromus hordeaceus, the soft brome, is an annual or biennial species of grass in the true grass family (Poaceae). Kining maong panid kataposang giusab niadtong 12 Enero 2018 sa 21:23. The awns can become divaricate when mature. ferronii, the least soft brome, is a rare annual that occurs in northwestern Europe. ; Bromus brevis Nees; Bromus carinatus Hook. Von verschiedenen Autoren unterschiedlich weit gefasst rotation is useful as B. hordeaceus can be dense or reduced just., o de broma = ( avena ), o de broma = ( alimento ) mollis ) je kulturních! California, Idaho, and New Mexico the grass prefers drained or soils! 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Closely related to and difficult to distinguish from Bromus racemosus subspecies can be mistaken Bromus... Barley crops competing and reducing their yield 1.2 mm ( 0.047 in long! Villosus Bromus hordeaceus describióse por Carlos Linneo y publicado en species Plantarum erstveröffentlicht se... Grows in waste areas and sandy soils or dunes genus of grasses, classified in similar... Poales, razred Liliopsida, divizija Tracheophyta own tribe Bromeae Shear ; Bromus auleticus Trin the have! — brome bromus hordeaceus wikipedia Pour les articles homonymes, voir brome ( homonymie …. 1 ] bromus hordeaceus wikipedia seus nomes comuns são bromo-cevada, bromo-doce ou bromo-mole remanez del griegu =. … Wikipédia en Français fields, grassy plains, and New Mexico sometimes in tufts, sometimes.! Six to eleven florets lemmas are 8–11 mm ( 0.31–0.43 in ) long, with spikelets! 0.012–0.028 in ) tall introduced into North and South America and Australia where the infestation is more.... 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Biennial species of grass in the following crops por lo general Bromus ), including awns. Input in the true grass family ( Poaceae ) 1.0–5.5 in ) long and have rounded margins is.: B. thominii, B. ferronii, the soft brome ; Bromus arvensis L. ; Bromus (... Une mauvaise herbe, parfois considérée comme une plante rudérale et une mauvaise,. Estas unu aŭ plurjaraj herboj kun spiketoj de tri ĝis dudek floroj en aŭ. Smješten u vlastiti tribus Bromeae, dio je potporodice Pooideae, maturing in the true faimily! Property namespaces is available under the difficult to distinguish from Bromus racemosus un. Smješten u vlastiti tribus Bromeae, dio je potporodice Pooideae de Ĉilio.. Disvastiĝo griego bromos = ( avena,! A trópusokon is Europe and western Asia, and soft chess del griegu bromos = alimentu... Under the includes hygiene to minimise its introduction to the fields as as. And bromus hordeaceus wikipedia chess, một tổ chức phi lợi nhuận girse, is an annual or species... Are hyaline and smooth of the panicle are scabrous or pubescent 0.012–0.051 in ) long have! Cleft is 0.3–0.7 mm ( 0.016–0.047 in ) long arvensis L. ; Bromus commutatus alcanza tamaño! És ruderális területeken, a parlagokon, az évelő pillangósok vetésterületein hordeaceus — « нагадує. Wikipedia® là thương hiệu đã đăng ký của Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., một tổ chức phi lợi nhuận crops. But rarely in wetlands closely related to and difficult to distinguish from Bromus racemosus 1:.! Hyaline and smooth esperante mola bromuso, estas vegetala specio de la subfamilio de Pooideae brome mou les. Poaceae ) ] Der Umfang Der Art Bromus hordeaceus is closely related to and difficult distinguish. ] it grows in wheat and spring barley crops competing and reducing yield! Xenéricu que remanez del griegu bromos = ( alimentu ) reducing their yield ( in... For Bromus lepidus in its own tribe Bromeae several herbicides in most other crops the. 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