Never been ill like this before, I too, am suicidal! This is no delusional disease, the fiber is keratin and collagen from skin tissue. Now it’s back and worse. I can’t seem to get rid of it. White, red and blue fibers, balls of fibers worm-like, black dots, some shaped like triangles with black dots and glitter appear. The beauty; Like sirens calling. I just scrubbed my head with tea tree oil and it only made it way worse because now it is all over my body. I am now thinking my daughter has it, and feeling guilty. I experience biting in legs, scalp movement, hairs and black specks emerging from skin on chest and back, scratches, white flakes, gold glitter, sores difficult to heal, flies often near head and in the house. The kids LOVED mixing all the colours together and experimenting with the different ingredients. l have had Morgellons disease for 10 years. Comment from: Tami, 45-54 Female (Patient), Comment from: Morg Suffer, 45-54 Female (Patient), Comment from: mega2520, 45-54 Female (Patient), Comment from: Tink, 35-44 Female (Patient), Comment from: LeslieinDallas, 35-44 Female (Patient), Comment from: errborn, 45-54 Female (Patient), Comment from: Stwy2heavn, 55-64 Female (Patient), Comment from: Kimberley, 45-54 Female (Patient). Its 2020 september and yesterday i found out that my hands and feet are also sparkling, the day before me and my friend where talking about spiritual stuff and i felt a weird shiver down my spine(idk if this is related). I ordered some used pipe to make an entry way to a housing addition, and that came with millions of gnat like flies. No wonder people get referred to the mental health profession, because it drives you crazy that you're not believed, never mind the constant itching, pain, depression and anxiety, muscle weakness, and I can go on and on, as the symptoms change daily, which makes us Morgellons sufferers look like we're making it up. Life has changed. He started me on dapsone and it really started taking off the skin problems I was experiencing. For 6 plus months my torso was covered with hundreds of red itchy bite like sores that felt like bugs constantly crawling across my skin. These scabs form a hard little outside crust, and inside the hairs, there is gelatinous clumps. They seem to grow, and grow and grow, under the skin creating balls of hair. I talked to my doctor and they told me to seek out behavioral health. I just realized my boyfriend had some sparkly glitter on his nose.. and then seen my skin with a flash light and we both have it all over... Hello, I'd give anything to be able to get more than 1 hour of sleep, it is now like I have got narcolepsy. I’m at a complete loss. I don’t do drugs or drink. I think it is a joke that they are calling it a psychological disorder, but at the same time list side effects and countless pictures of the familiar critters. Doctors should start the real research before telling any patient it is delusional. I have tried everything under the sun and about 40 K later and about broke, I figured a really cheap way to get rid of the lesions from Morgellons disease. I don’t know if it is Morgellons disease. I have had this disease for twenty years. It’s an energetic thing, beyond medical professionals. I have now purchased my own microscope to see what is going on and when I did my first check, I was horrified; white, red and black hair things are tangled all up and under the skin layers. I don’t agree with the authors of this article that this condition a delusional affliction. I have to use a lice comb every 4 hours and the job takes more than 20 minutes. They then said it was delusional parasitism. The hardest part of all of this is I don't have anybody to talk to about it. He might have Morgellons. At first I just thought this was ingrown hairs but after time and again pulling out many at the same spot, I realized it was Morgellons disease. I researched and found all the similar symptoms of Morgellons disease. I suffered with Morgellons disease for five years. People have seen this when the body is detoxing from excess oxalate. I beg to differ about the whole delusional thing about Morgellons disease. I take iodized salt baths occasionally with regular salt. I still have the marks on my legs. She is convinced the fibers from clothing that are stuck to the sores she creates from scratching are foreign bodies. By the time I walked to my supervisor’s car, I could not open my eyes and they hurt badly. My girlfriend suffers from Morgellons disease. What treatment(s) have you received for Morgellons disease? ©1996-2021 MedicineNet, Inc. All rights reserved. Hydrogen peroxide and salt baths help. So I combed my hair out onto a white paper and took my digital microscope and saw what appeared to be half of an ant being eaten by two white parasites with tentacles all over and around it, all over the paper were little white and brown and even fuzzy parasites. Trust me, I did it in a few weeks. I was going nuts, it consumed my life. All day long I'm knocking sand off head, face, ears and head. Also what looks like whiteheads but are hard. It feels like it's eating me from the inside out. It took a good pull with tweezers to get it out, and then it went down from there. I have been to 3 different dermatologists and they thought I was crazy. Thank goodness for the handful of research studies that have proven that the disease is a real Lyme related medical disease and not a delusion. The same thing has happened to me. l believe that it is caused by a microbe called endolith, a kind of fungi, but can morph with organic and inorganic things such as lice, fleas or even our own body bugs that live daily on us all. He's scared it will kill him. He has tons of videos of it, it changes his pupils, has lights coming from skin. Tea tree oil will make them leave the skin. He is glistening. You can do this 3 times a day. I have been suffering with Morgellons disease for about 6 months. I have Morgellons disease and I guarantee you I am not delusional. It is common for people who do that to develop delusional parasitosis (especially women). After getting those 2 products fill an empty 32 oz. I have had this horrific man-made Morgellons disease for 2 years now. ?, 35-44 Female (Patient), Comment from: Dmariewatto, 35-44 Female (Patient), Comment from: Joanie, 55-64 Female (Patient), Comment from: Doni, 55-64 Female (Caregiver), Comment from: MamaNeedsHelp9810, 25-34 Female (Patient), Comment from: David, 55-64 Male (Caregiver), Comment from: Lyme Buster, 45-54 Male (Patient), Video: Bipolar and Navigating a Dating Life. It's horrific and debilitating. I am so sorry for your pain and suffering. It has left scars on my face. Take pinworm over the counter medication. He likely has healing abilities. I was put on medicines for severe depression, and as I discovered a pill for psychotic episodes. That regimen will bring you some peace and hope. It looks like a gigantic spider’s web and the itching and scratching never ends. I have started to take Bio-Kult tablet, antihistamine, and 1 alfalfa 600 mg a day at dinner time. It still has not been confirmed by a doctor but three registered nurses immediately recognized. Doxycycline works for Morgellons disease. Ingredients: 1 cup aloe vera gel; 1 teaspoon mica powder; Directions: Mix aloe vera gel and mica powder together. I struggled with a digital microscope connected to my laptop watching my skin go from healthy to pitted sores. The symptoms are happening to millions of people around the world now. Now my dog has it. Apply all over. Once the product sets on to the skin, those glitter specks will not go anywhere. In addition to slowly healing skin lesions, an array of multi-system symptoms can occur, including fatigue, joint and muscle pain, intestinal problems and neurological symptoms including behavioral changes. It starts with biting at the ankles, then crawling sensations in the feet and head. Drink at regular intervals through the day and just before bed. It started with a few sores on my legs, and travelled swiftly to the buttocks and head and shoulders which are terrible as I write this. It began with the itching, pinching, stinging, and crawling feelings. It's a sad day when the doctor doesn't believe in you. Doctors argue for legislation to curb this dangerous teen trend in the latest Missouri Medicine report. It is not itchy and doesn’t hurt except when extracting what looks like worms, of size 1/16 to 2 inches. I'm 61 year old and about 1 1/2 years ago I woke up with lesions on both shoulders and head itching. That truly helps. Highly recommend! Having them for two years is too long. Three long and itchy, painful, scaring years with these string monsters… I'm being eaten alive. Take lots of vitamin C, MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) pill, oil of oregano, and acidophilus internally. It is a very lethal chemical! We caught it from our granddaughter. Still searching for something that will stop them completely; it's not our imaginations this stuff is here and we need to get rid of it. Report abuse. It looks like a flat piece of skin and it'll quiver. The pickling lime water is a 1 pound bag, put 1/4 of it in and then 1 to 2 table spoons DMSO oil. Wonder if you can contract Morgellons disease from a dog. This is the first time I ever heard of Morgellons disease, he told me I had it. Mass awakening. It hurts. My guess is that they dont want this pandemic info. The spiral bacterium that's apparent with this disease that is quite a bit like the syphilis spiral bacterium, causes us to hallucinate the same as syphilis causes delusions. I thought I had lice as I worked in childcare. Worms come out of nose, ears, eyes, mouth, buttocks, skin and feet. Yeah right, then why when I pull one out of the sores does it move like a worm (even though it looks like a fiber)! See additional information. After that many small circular sores appeared which itches like chiggers. I'm not crazy. I also don't look my age and people always assume I'm like 8 years younger than my actual age. I had Morgellons disease about 15 years ago and somehow I was able to cure or suppress it. Currently I have scabs on my right arm, back, buttocks, 2 breakouts on my head, and my face is just a mess. With my girlfriend's help I'm healthy as I can be. Once the tape is secure, use your sticky finger to blot glitter from your skin. I am furious as this was not discussed with me. I have horrible scars all over my face and legs. So help please before this gets even more unbearable. spray bottle with distilled water. I have been suffering with Morgellons disease for about a year. It’s so sparkly, stretchy and fun to play with, and so cool to look at. When I soaked in the bath little sharp triangular things were in the water, also hair like things with 3 egg like things attached. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. Sometimes cotton ball looking fibers. I have also used my vacuum cleaner to remove them. I have had these sores and symptoms for 3 years and can't get rid of it. A number of people across the country are reporting instances of discovering tiny little It is too intense now. I have endured black specks that bite, white sharp things that bite, fuzz balls that bite, worms, insects, flies, fibers of all colors, tooth loss, blurry vision, confusion, fatigue, arthritis, and hair on head that stings and moves like snakes. They were like straw, twigs, plastic, crumbs, string, paper, cellophane, quills and hair. It began in my left eye after using old eye drops that had been in storage for a few years. Apply a coat of mascara, if desired, but skip the eyeliner, otherwise the glitter may come off. Please do not believe in diatomaceous earth and don’t even use as pesticide! I was placed triamcinolone. I also discovered that I had candidiasis also. Btw, it started in Certain areas at the same time which suggests it is man made. Overall: 16/20 No one can help. Everyone else just thinks it's in my head; no this is real and I would not wish this on my worst enemy or anyone for that matter. Below is a web link about the light body but there is so much more than what can be found on that page. The fact of the matter is I can't stop the itching. Avoid doctors, they do not help. I was diagnosed with Morgellons disease in April 2018. They took months of applying Kleen Green several times a day. And then even more recently noticed super thin white and/or black spider web-like 'threads' on her skin on occasion. At first I thought she was a bit nuts, but on very close inspection, both her observations were true. Since May of this year I've been dealing with what I believe to be Morgellons disease. It’s been a frustrating and as someone said, disfiguring for the past 10 years. The only problem to me was that it was supposed to be eradicated from the United States but all the symptoms were exactly the same. Read more. our doctors cannot help on this topic. I had them in my house, I thought it was an infestation before I even got them. Eat 2 cloves of raw garlic a day. Basic treatment is same as long term Lyme sufferers with a mix of antibiotics over long term. I believe that it is some kind of parasite or something. But the next day it all starts again. One of locations is san francisco, ca. Combine and squeeze into hair and let sit for 5 minutes. The blue glitter, Like tattoos on skin. It is getting rid of Morgellons disease. ©1996-2020 MedicineNet, Inc. All rights reserved. Nano silver cream and tea tree and charcoal shampoo and body wash feel soothing and will extract the pollutants from hair, skin and nails. I am a victim of Morgellons disease for 5 years and just want help and my life back. From what I'm reading everywhere this is Morgellons disease. Diet “do’s” and “don’ts” for healthy, radiant skin. I can't talk to anyone about it. I don't know and don't care, I want it gone, and that’s all. One gave me cortisone cream, another told me to use Hibiclens, I was an operation room nurse for 30 years and that is what doctors and nurses who are allergic to Betadine used to scrub for surgery. I got this as a present and she's super happy with it. I was told to do bleach baths, and not to bathe, just shower. Terms of Use. I have had Morgellons for over 5 years. I used to compulsively shower and clean; it made it worse and amplified the mental aspect of the disease too. And a cocoon like object came out of my ear. My son's doctor tried to 302 me (involuntary commitment) however they did so, and since then my son's father doesn't want me. I have been seeing and feeling everything it has done to me and my body. I really don't like store bought glitter. It's driving me insane. I put the two together, and I knew from that day forward that I was the host to millions of flies! I have all the symptoms and they asked if I have ever been tested for Lyme disease. What's a person to do when they're not financially able to get the stuff! Morgellons is killing me. This is for Misha who posted on Morgellons disease on November 13. Instantly after dropping it in my eye I felt something clasp/sting into my inner eyelid. I had what look like lint all over my clothes. Miserable. They take a long time to heal. I have pictures of them or should I say I actually have filmed of it where I have filmed them. Other things removed look like sperm or a tadpole with a tail. Hi, I have always been a sweaty person aswell. Those with Morgellons can have small coloured fibres pushing out through their skin or see tiny specks in their skin which often reach the surface and then rub off. Hair and scalp get goo and oil, and scabs do not get better for a long time. This homemade glitter is such a fun project to try with the kids! I don't even have to touch myself (skin) and wounds and blood spots manifest on their own. It's sort of weird and it comes and goes. I grow white glitter and wonder if this is a symptom. Doctors don’t understand at all! My Morgellons disease started with microscopic worm like objects crawling on face, along with itchiness around feet and hairline. I’m too scared to say why. I can relate to all of you. I have started to hate humanity and the people that think they have it all figured out. The circular holes it leaves always leave a scar no matter what. For 4 years I’ve suffered from the symptoms and 7 doctors later, left with no answers but to see a psychiatrist. I feel like I've found everyday life unbearable. Then the fluff balls, tiny, turn sticky and roll, causing lines sometimes. I know what you guys are all talking about because I'm getting told that I need to go to rehabilitation, that I was delusional, and I was losing my mind. There was a time that I thought it was body lice but it’s not anything like that. 5 … I have seen every dermatologist, and they all come up with different answers, I've gone through buckets of lotions and steroid salves, nothing stops the slow crawl all over my body. Get off the opiates because Morgellons disease loves opiates of any kind. I have had Morgellons disease for 20 years and it's a real disease! Shimmering specks clinging onto skin. Can You Win the Battle Against Cellulite. What gives them the right to state it is not real when medically no research has been done! Now it has turned into invisible itching and all over strange pimple like lesions. Research continues due to private funds supporting research teams. I tried to get help from 3 more hospitals, 3 clinics and one dermatologist. My daughter who is 3 walks like she is crippled and falls asleep at school. Just too much to list. About 10 years ago the intense painful itching started, then the biting followed. I challenge anyone to prove what I have is delusional. Being generally healthy and improved immune system seem the best approach according to my research. The lesions and worms went away. I believe my mom may be experiencing Morgellons disease. You need to get off and then detox your body using SSKI (saturated solution potassium iodide). You can grow your own indoors. It stung so much and my eyes were full of hair-like fibers. No one believes me because what the Internet says is it is delusional. I have had it since I had surgery and was exposed to the contaminated flood waters. I am not delusional, I don't drink, and I don't smoke. Only thing that seems to lessen sores is diatomaceous earth and clotrimazole. It has made me so wrinkly and dried my body. My case has been going on for such a long time I feel I will never be able to wear summer clothing. I have been diagnosed with Morgellons disease after being called delusional, and now I am believed.
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